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: ajuma has decided to develop and produce the UV-Bodyguard regionally. This is our contribution to environmental relief.
The electronic components are designed and produced by a locally operating company in Feldkirchen-Westerham. The housing (casing) of the UV-Bodyguard was designed in Munich and Grafing and continues to be manufactured in Grafing. We have taken great care with the housing (casing) materials to ensure that they adhere to all current production standards regarding pollution-free and operational safety.
he packaging of our UV-Bodyguard consists solely of paper. This helps alleviate the environment from unnecessary plastic. The packaging is developed and produced in Upper Austria.
Shipping to the end customer takes place in the East of Munich.
Due to the close proximity of all locations, we save time and money and gain flexibility in production.
Thus, our UV-Bodyguard truly earns the "Made in Germany" seal.
ajuma has decided to develop and produce the UV-Bodyguard regionally. This is our contribution to environmental relief.
Für wen ist der UV-Bodyguard?
Für Risikopatienten, Familien mit Kindern, Outdoor-Sportler und für alle, denen der richtige Umgang mit der Sonne wichtig ist.
Eine „Sonnenallergie“ ist eine Hautreaktion, die durch UV-Strahlung ausgelöst wird und Rötungen, Juckreiz sowie Hautausschlag zur Folge hat. Bei allen Formen der Sonnenallergie ist es wichtig, sich vor direkter UV-Strahlung zu schützen. Lies mehr zu Symptomen, Ursachen und Behandlungsmöglichkeiten.